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Donation via PayNow

Steps to donate via PayNow:

a. Scan the QR Code or enter TAA’s Unique Entity Number (UEN): T06CC1974E
b. If you wish to claim tax deduction, enter “Reference No.”: Your full NRIC / FIN / UEN
c. For receipt request: send the donation screenshot to

Donations of $50 and above are eligible for 250% IRAS tax deduction.

You may donate using your credit card or debit card via
Please Click Here to make an online donation.

Cheque Donation

Cheque Donation may be made to “TAA Trust Fund“

You may post the Cheque or meet us at the following address:

Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund
Block 2 Joo Chiat Road 
#04-1121 Joo Chiat Complex 
Singapore 420002

Kindly include your contact details.

You are requested to provide your Tax Reference Number (NRIC/FIN/UEN where applicable).
Donation of $50 and above will be eligible for a 250% tax deduction.
