About Us

TAA Trust Fund (Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund) was founded in 1992 with a mission to help the poor, needy and the less fortunate. Additionally, TAA beneficiaries include patients from low-income families who suffer from chronic diseases and illnesses such as kidney failure, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

TAA Trust Fund became a Charity Trust under the Charities Act in 2006. TAA was accorded the status of an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) in 2007, ensuring that TAA operates with full transparency in compliance with good governance. TAA is part of the SG Cares movement and a member of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS).

The donations raised annually enables TAA to assist more than 3,000 beneficiaries. TAA Trust Fund will continue to work closely with the community to assist the underprivileged.


To be the platform for the community to foster the spirit of giving


To provide assistance to the disadvantaged in the community

Board of Trustees

Executive Committee


TAA Institutional Members

Our Beginnings

TAA Trust Fund (Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund), was founded in 1992 with a mission to help the poor, needy and less fortunate during the holy month of Ramadan (fasting month).

The idea was first mooted by the late Dr Tay Eng Soon, the then Senior Minister of State for Education, who had suggested that Malay/Muslim organisations could organise a public charity drive during the Ramadan / Syawal season as an annual affair.

In response to the call, Hj Sidek Saniff, the then Minister of State (Education) invited several Malay Muslim Organisations and formed what is known as Tabung Amal Aidilfitri or TAA. Hj Sidek became the first Chairman of the TAA Committee.