TAA encourages our beneficiaries to find out more about the other Social Assistance provided by the Social Service Agencies in Singapore.
The information on this page serves as references for social assistance. We strongly encourage you to contact the following Social Service Agencies if you require the assistance stated below.
1) ComCare – Social Service Office (SSO)
ComCare provides social assistance (financial assistance) for low-income individuals and families. ComCare assistance is available at the Social Service Offices (SSOs).
a) Are you permanently unable to work and need help to support yourself?
Click here for information regarding Comcare Long-Term Assistance
b) Are you or your family member unable to find a job or work for a period of time and as a result, your household needs financial help for a temporary period?
Click here for information regarding the ComCare Short-to-Medium-Term Assistance
How to apply?
Visit the SSO office nearest to your residential address.
Click here to locate the nearest SSO office
2) Zakat Financial Assistance – MUIS
MUIS Zakat Financial Assistance is meant for the poor and needy (fakir and miskin asnaf) and aims to help the bottom 5% of income earners in Singapore. Zakat financial assistance comes in different forms such as:
Who qualifies for Zakat assistance?
Zakat financial assistance is available to all Muslim Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents. To qualify for zakat, the applicant will be assessed mainly by their Per Capita Income (PCI $400 and below).
How to apply?
Call or visit the Social Development Mosque nearest to your residential address.
Click here to locate the mosque nearest to you
Click here for more information regarding Zakat financial assistance
3) Assistance for the Elderly and Seniors – AIC
The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) reach out to caregivers and seniors with information on staying active and ageing well, and connect people to services they need.
How do you pay for long-term care?
Click here for your options.
One may fall sick and need medical help or receive care as they recover at home. They also need support with daily life, such as to eat and get dressed.
There are community-based services available to support them and their caregivers.
Click here for information on the services available.
4) SkillsFuture
Take charge of your skills upgrading by signing up for a SkillsFuture Advice Workshop today.
Is SkillsFuture just about $500 credit?
What type of courses can I use my credit for?
Want to know yourself better?
Join the SkillsFuture Advice #SESFA2020 workshop for a fun and stimulating time.
Each session of the SkillsFuture Advice Workshop is 90 minutes where you will get to learn:
Click here to find the entire listing of our workshop
SkillsFuture Advice is a community outreach initiative to raise awareness on SkillsFuture initiatives amongst Singaporeans and to encourage everyone to adopt a lifelong learning mind-set.
It is a collaboration between SkillsFuture Singapore, People’s Association (PA), specifically the Community Development Councils (CDCs), Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).
5) Subsidies for Infant and Childcare – My First Skool
View the video for an overview of the subsidies for Infant and Childcare
Click here for more information on the Subsidies for Infant and Child Care
6) Bursaries – LBKM (Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud)
LBKM is a distinguished bursary institution that assists students financially in realizing their educational potential.
Financial assistance schemes include the following:
How to apply?
Click here for information on LBKM bursaries eligibilty and application.
7) Ready For School Fund (RFS) – AMP
The AMP Ready for School Fund assist students from underprivileged families in their educational pursuit. Assistance under the fund comprises the AMP Education Bursary, AMP-2ⁿᵈ Chance STEM Study Award, RFS Youth Enrichment Series, and other socio-educational assistance.
The AMP Education Bursary offers monetary assistance to diploma and degree students from underprivileged families of all races. Apart from students from local polytechnics and universities, the bursary also benefits full-time and part-time undergraduates from recognised private education institutions in Singapore.
Each successful applicant will receive financial assistance of $1,000 (for Degree students) or $500 (for Diploma students).
In collaboration with Second Chance Properties Ltd, the AMP-2ⁿᵈ Chance STEM Study Award aims to encourage Malay/Muslim students who are pursuing their undergraduate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses, and prepare them to be part of the STEM-related workforce in the future.
Each successful applicant will be awarded $2,000 each.
Click here for more information on RFS or call AMP at 64163966 / 64163960
Application period is applicable.
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